
Fact and Rumor.

The ball nine of the Leland Stanford Jr. University played its first match game yesterday.

The Princeton Glee Club will give its annual spring concert in Philadelphia on March 17.

The number of candidates for Yale's 'varsity nine has been reduced from forty-one to thirty-one.

The first prize offered by the University of Chicago will be given by Prof. Hirsch of the Semitic department.

The Williams Baseball Club has elected John R. Searles of Rome, N. Y., as manager for the coming season.


Mr. E. Charlton Black will read his paper on the author of "Rob and His Friends" before the Women's Association of Boston, this week.

The eastern division of the Chi Phi College Fraternity held its annual dinner at Springfield last Tuesday.

F. G. Thompson '95 has been elected manager of the Tufts football eleven, and C. D. Clark chosen captain.

Rev. Arthur Brooks of New York preached a sermon, Sunday, in memory of his brother, Phillips Brooks.

The subjects for the long theme in French 6 will be posted on the bulletin board in Sever 23. on Wednesday.

E. B. Bloss '94 has been called home on account of the death of his father and will not return until after the April recess.

Mrs. Moses Hopkins of San Francisco has decided to give $50,000 and 19 acres of land to the Hopkins Academy in that city.

A tract of 160 acres in Natick has been sold to a syndicate which intends to build a college for women, similar to Wellesley.

M. D. Desperadelle of the Etalier Pascal has been engaged to fill the position left vacant by the death of Prof. Litang at the M. I. T.

Prof. E. Charlton Black will give a lecture on Tennyson March 21, at the Second Universalist Church, Columbus Avenue.
