
Question for the Yale Debate.

The committee appointed to decide on a question for the next Yale debate, has chosen the following after long consideration and consultation with leading members of the faculty. - Resolved, that the time has now come when the policy of protection in the U. S. should be abandoned.

This will also be the question at the competitive debate to be held in Sever 11, Friday evening, march 3. Yale has the choice of side, and her decision will be published as soon as known. At the competitive debate, however, men may speak on either side as they please.

Professor N. S. Shaler is in hearty sympathy with this movement for a better union, and he has consented to preside at the competitive debate. It is wished that it may be clearly understood that by this competition the best twelve men will be chosen by a board of judges, composed of members of the faculty, and that the first three will meet Yale. while the whole twelve will be the nucleus of the new society. The competition is opened to all members of the university, and every man with any ability in a speaking line, is urged to present himself.
