The representatives of the Yale and Harvard nines will meet next Friday at the Massasoit House, in Springfield to arrange the seasons games.
The freshman class at Columbia has promptly responded to the needs of their crew. So far. about $800 has been pledged of which $150 has been collected in the School of Arts.
M. P. Slaughter of Austen College, Texas, won the $100 prize awarded by Sherman University, St. Louis, for the best essay on "The Construction of the Nicaraguan Canal."
The second 'varsity crew rowed as follows yesterday; Stroke, Purdon '95; No. 7, Saltonstall '94; No. 6. Earle '93; No. 5, Potter '95; No. 4, Duffield '93; No. 3, Hubbard '96; No. 2, Davis '95; Bow, Burgess '93.
At the meeting of the Brown University Football Association at Providence, R. L., held Thursday evening, W. B. Hopkins of Rochester, N.Y., was elected captain for next year. Hopkins has captained the Andover eleven for the past two years and has recently entered the class of '96. Candidates for next year's eleven will be put in training at once.
The late Justice S. C. Hastings of San Francisco, paid into the State Treasury of California $100.000 in gold, on condition that the sum should be for the legal education of students in every vocation of life.
Dr. Edward A. Ross, who has been appointed to the recently established chair of Finance at Stanford, is but 27 years of age. He leaves the chair of Social Science and Economics of the University of Indiana.
A seaside laboratory for Leland Stanford. Jr., University has been located at Pacific Grove, two miles west of Monteray, California. It is the first laboratory of the kind on the Pacific coast, and one of the four in the United States.
A seaside laboratory for Leland Stanford, Jr. University has been located at Pacific Grove, two miles west of Monterey, California. It is the first laboratory of the kind on the Pacific coast, and one of the four in the United States.
Two Harvard men competed in the University of Pennsylvania games at Philadelphia last Saturday. W. F. Garcelon, L. S. was first and E. W. Pinkham M. S., was second in the quarter mile. The time was sixty-two seconds. The track was eighteen laps to the mile.
The Trustees of the McCormick Theological Seminary of Chicago, have decided to open two of the dormitories for the accommodation of guests from May 10th to Sept. 17th, the object of the undertaking being to provide for a deficit in the scholarship fund of the Seminary.
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