WE wish to call the attention of the class of Ninety-four to the fact that as yet no arrangements have been made for the class dinner which has always been held after the mid-year examination of the junior year. It has been the custom for the President of the class to appoint a committee of five, of which he shall be chairman, to manage the affair and see that it is successfully pushed through. It is not for Ninety-four to be the first to allow the custom to fall into disuse. And yet the long delay in starting the arrangements is apt to prove dangerous to the continuance of the custom. It was for just these reasons that the dinners of the senior class gradually dropped out from the list of college events. The junior dinner is now the only remaining occasion on which the class in all the four years of college life meets together in anything like social relations. It is the one unifying force; the one opportunity before class day for men to put aside all the barriers which divide the class into endless cliques and to meet on a common level. While we may not regret on the whole that class feeling is not to-day of the same strength and character which was common to classes of fifty years ago, still there are a few old customs like the junior dinner which we can well cling to. We hope the proper persons will take this matter in hand at once, and see that it is carried out.
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The Ninety-One Nine.