The Boston Wesleyan University Club will give its annual meeting and dinner at the Quincy House tonight.
An entertainment was given by the West Point students in their new $100,000 gymnasium Saturday night.
Prof. Bliss Perry of Williams has been chosen to succeed Prof. Raymond in the chair of Oratory at Princeton.
The class of '88 at Brown has given the University $1,000 to be used in the purchase of books for the library.
A concert will be given at Northampton on March 8 by the Amherst Banjo Club and the Harvard Glee Club.
The Yale Glee Club recently gave a concert at Waterbury for the benefit of the City Hospital which netted $316.50.
Pres. Eliot spoke last Friday night at the University Club on the subject; "The colleges must cooperate with the schools."
The Senior class at Williams has voted to wear caps and gowns to chapel and morning recitations from May 15 until commencement.
The first college paper ever printed in the United States came into existence at Dartmouth College in 1800, with Daniel Webster as editor-in chief.
The Northwestern Base Ball League is talking of dropping the University of Minnesota and taking in either Chicago or the University of Illinois.
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