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IN the calendar for the next week appears the announcement of a new course in Literature and Reading to be conducted by Mr. Copeland during the second half year. The course is entirely voluntary and as the meetings come but once a week, they will draw but slightly on the time of those who may wish to take advantage of the opportunity which is now offered. Mr. Copeland has been very successful in his previous voluntary classes in vocal training, expression and speaking. The new course may in a way be considered a natural sequence to the work which has gone before; only those who have already obtained some proficiency will be allowed to read. But aside from the practice of reading, one will surely find the course worth his attention. A well chosen list of authors from the time of Shakespeare to Rudyard Kipling will be discussed and characteristic passages read. It is also stated that the novel and plays, with accounts of famous modern performances, will occupy the greater portion of the time. Mr. Copeland thus offers a rare opportunity to men who are interested in the art of reading, either as listeners or as students.
