
Fact and Rumor.

An American Girls College in Marsovan. Asia Minor, was burned recently by the Turkish authorities.

The annual meeting of the Wesleyan University Club of Boston will be held at the Quincy House Feb. 27.

The current number of Harper's Weekly has for its centre illustration a view of the junior promenade at Yale.

Eight of last year's baseball team of the University of Minnesota are again candidates for positions on the nine.

The Dartmouth members of the University Club gave a dinner in honor of President-elect Tucker, Thursday night.


The senior class of the Boston University Medical School has voted to wear caps and gowns at commencement.

There are 760 students now registered at Stanford University. This just 200 more than last year at this season of the year.

The alumni of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity gave a dinner Thursday night at the University Club home in Boston.

The life of Ezra Cornell, founder of the college which bears his name, has been published by the Hon. Alonzo B. Cornell.

To promote social intercourse among the professors of Columbia College, informal gatherings are held every Monday evening.

John S. Johnson, the champion bicyclist, won the majority of the points in the amateur skating championship held Thursday.

Rev. Dr. Tucker, recently elected president of Dartmouth, is to deliver a lecture in the Old South Church, Boylston street, next Sunday.

The freshmen of Tufts College held their class dinner Thursday night notwithstanding the endeavors of the upper class men to prevent it.

The Princeton Alumni association of Philadelphia has elected delegates to represent it in attempting to form a national alumni association.

Over 500 college and high-school students will form an organization to be known as the Columbia Guide Corps at the World's Fair next summer.
