At the meeting of the Christian Association held last night in Holden Chapel, the Rev. Washington Gladden addressed the society on the opportunities of young men and of college students in particular. He said the question which each young man must ask himself when he enters college is "what shall I do?" It is not always easy to choose the best course even in studies, and many men seem only to desire to choose the line of least resistance, a course which does not always produce the best results. The best advice is to go to work and to do what is at hand. Do not scorn to begin low down and work up, for this is far better than to start at the top and stand still or fall lower. There are great possibilities for doing good in every profession but whatever you do the best thing to do is to join in with your fellow workers and try to raise them up. Join the church wherever you are and work with it. For there is always need of reasonable, careful leadership in church work and it is probable that a good many churches need christianizing as much as any labor union.
After Dr. Gladden's address, Mr. Mott, the college secretary of the International Association, made a few remarks. He spoke of the need of the ministry for the best of the college men and showed that however much other professions might need good men they did not need them in the same degree as the religious callings. Mr. Mott then gave a few interesting statistics of the proportion of college men that enter the ministry. Of churchmen in Southern colleges, one in nine enters the ministry. In the west, one in eight. In New England and the Middle States one in eleven. In Canada one in three. New England used to lead, for of the first 36,000 college graduates of New England, 9000 entered the ministry.
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