

A complete attendance this week of the voluntary classes in Reading and Speaking is especially desirable. Men who think of joining any of these sections for the first time may consult me in Sever 29, at half-past two or at half-past three, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. The hour from half-past two to half-past three Wednesday is reserved for the Law School.


C. T. COPELAND.JUNIOR CREW. - Row to-day at 5 p. m. sharp.

C. T. BOND.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB. - Rehearsal tonight at 6.45 p. m. at 25 Hastings.

F. S. HOPPIN Jr. Sec.ENGLISH 6. - Class will meet today in Harvard 6 instead of Harvard 1.


HARVARD NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. - The Regular Monthly Meeting will be held in the Rooms of the Society, Society Building, Holmes Field, on Thursday Evening, Feb. 16, at 7.45 o'clock. Dr. H. S. Pratt will speak on The Migration of Animals.

FRANCIS BEACH WHITE. Sec.FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB. - Rehearsal Thursday, Feb. 16, 6.30 p. m. at 26 Holyoke St.

J. J. HAYES, Jr. Sec.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal and election of officers to-night at 7 p. m. in the Glee Club rooms.

'95 CREW. - Every man dressed without fail at 2.30 p. m. today sharp.

W. M. BRIGGS.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - Rev. Washington Gladden, D. D., will address the meeting to-night in Holden Chapel at 6.45. All members of the University are invited.

BEGINNING to-day candidates for battery position will practise as follows: On Mon., Wed., and Fri.; Young and Henry at 2 p. m., A. A. Highlands and Corbett 2.20, Wiggin and Clark 2.40, J. A. Highlands and Mason 3, Worden and Hickey 3.20 Gale and Farrington 3.40; on Tues. and Thurs., Wiggin and Clarke 2, Young and Henry 2.15, A. A. Highlands and Mason 2.30, J. A. Highlands and Corbett 2.50, Worden and Hickey 3.20, Gale and Farrington 3.40.

