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The collectors elected at the mass meeting of the students a few weeks ago to raise three thousand dollars for the completion of the fund for Soldiers' Field, have begun their work of canvassing the college. We hope that every man may feel the responsibility of helping the collectors in their work by quick and liberal subscriptions. The duties of collectors are arduous and unpleasant at the least. The treatment which these men receive is often more like that which would be accorded a book agent; that they are fellow students, fulfilling legitimate obligations, is only too often overlooked. In this particular case, the object for which contributions are solicited is one which we ought to consider a pleasure to help along. We can be assured of the permanent good for which we give and realize that we are contributing to something which shall always stand, not only as the finest college athletic field in the country, but as a memorial to those Harvard men who unselfishly devoted their lives to their country's good. It is, too, but fitting that, when Col. Higginson has shown so generous and lively an interest in our athletic welfare, and the graduates have with equally admirable alacrity subscribed forty-seven out of the necessary fifty-thousand dollars we should show our appreciation by a hearty and ready response to the call for the last three thousand dollars.
