
'Varsity Nine.

There are now about thirty candidates for the 'varsity baseball nine working each day in the Cary building under the coaching of Captain Frothingham. The exercise in the cage consists in batting grounder, sliding twice a week, base running, and starting, which is done by the aid of a pitcher. The men then take a short run out of doors, after which they go to the gymnasium and there go through a dumb-bell exercise. There is at present no strict training and will probably be none until the beginning of the spring trip.

Below is a list of the candidates:

J. Abbott 1 L. S., P. Whittemore '95; A. Dickinson '94; R. E. Paine '94; J. B. Lowell '94; A. Harding '94; B. F. Linfield '94; W. W. Clarke 1 L. S.; F. P. MacNichol 1 L.; J. P. Phelan '95; J. Manley '93; C. Merriam '93; F. B. Gallivan '93; H. J. Carty 1 L. S. S.; J.J. Hayes '96; B. J. Worman 2 S.; W. P. Hapgood '94. Pitchers - A.A. Highlands '95; J.A. Highlands 2 L.S. S.; J. Wiggin '93; J. L. Worden '96; W. B. Dinsmore '93; L. W. Gale '94; J. P. Keefe '96. Catchers - F. Mason L. S.; J. Corbett '94; T. S. Henry 1 L. S.S.; E. Clark '95; J. H. Hickey '93.
