

No Headline

With this issue the Ninety-four board assumes the control and responsibility of the CRIMSON. The officers and editors for the last half of the current college year will be as follows:

MAYNARD LADD '94, President.

HOWARD A. CUTLER '94, Managing Editor.

DAVID W. FENTON '95, Secretary.

H. C. Fox '94. F. E. Frothingham '94.


L. I. Prouty '94. J. K. Whittemore '95.

H. C. Lakin '94. E. H. Warren '95.

Business Manager,

E. L. HUNT '93.

Assistant Business Manager,

H. I. KIMBALL, Jr. '94.

The change of management of the CRIMSON in no way alters its policy. It will, as heretofore, aim to express editorially the best sentiment of the college in educational and athletic matters. This does not mean that the views of the writer will taken without investigation to be the views of the college. It will be our purpose to consult as fully and often as necessary those who are in a position to judge best of the bearings of certain question and then to draw our conclusions as conscientiously and with as good judgement as possible. In news items we shall still continue to present, as best we can, not only all matters of interest in our own university, but the more important events of other colleges. A college newspaper should not limit its field of vision to its own institution; but should rather be broad enough to present to its readers the chief thoughts and actions of other educational centers However, our first thought is with our own university and our strongest desire is to become more and more indispensable to it as a means by which all worthy sentiment may find expression. When we can be of any service to officers or students we shall be glad of the opportunity. Suggestions, when their sincerity is vouched for by the signature of the writer, will always receive careful consideration and when improvement can be made, it will be made. This briefly is our policy; anything further in regard to it will be apparent to those who care to follow the CRIMSON in its issue from day to day. With sincere desires, then, for increase usefulness and with hopes that our efforts may find a hearty response from the university as a whole, we undertake the duties incumbent upon us.
