IT is a fit cause for congratulation that the university can look forward to the immediate erection of a new dormitory and particularly of a reading-room, which has been a long felt want. Both gifts come at the time when we feel most grateful for them. The constantly increasing number of students, particularly of those who come here of limited means, has made us realize only too well that the dormitory accommodations have been far from sufficient, and each year the number of men who are forced to room in private houses has been constantly growing. The inconveniences of our present reading room have tried our patience sorely, even so far that a year or two ago a movement was started to raise subscriptions to form the nucleus of a fund for the erection of such a reading room as has just been given us. The generous gift of some anonymous friend has spared us the necessity of waiting. perhaps many years, before the student movement could bear any practical result. To both of our unknown friends we wish to extend the heartiest thanks of the student body, whose appreciation is hearty and sincere.
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