
The B. A. A. Games.

The Boston Athletic Association held its fourth annual indoor handicap meeting last Saturday evening in Mechanics Hall. The meeting was probably the largest and most interesting ever held by the association and much credit is due the management for the way in which the events took place, there being scarcely any delay, each event following in quick succession. The record for the running high jump which was held by G. R. Fearing '93, was broken by F. Sweeney of the Xavier A. C. who cleared 6 feet 2 1-2 inches, thus raising the record by one-fourth inch. Sweeney jumped in excellent form, never having to try twice for the same height.

By far the most exciting event of the evening was the Harvard-Yale team race which was looked forward to with no little interest by all. Yale was well represented and each college cheered heartily as her men began to prepare for the event. The race was Harvard's from the start; she took the lead at the beginning and held it throughout, winning by about a quarter of a lap. The running of the Harvard team was excellent and much good judgment was shown in selecting the order in which the men ran. The Yale men seemed to experience trouble in turning the corners and although they ran well yet nearly every one showed signs of fatigue at the end of his quarter and was unable to make a good finish.

40 - YARD DASH (SPECIAL).The first event of the evening was the special 40 - yard dash which was run off with considerable quickness, considering the large number of entries. M. Ladd '94 won the first place. The final heat was; M. Ladd '94, first; P. W. Whittemore '95, second; H. Leeds, Y. A. C. third. Time 4 4-5 sec.


AMHERST-DARTMOUTH TEAM RACE.This race was won by Amherst partly by accident. In the first of the race the Amherst man took the lead finishing his last lap ten feet ahead. In the second relay Amherst ran ahead at first but finished only a few feet in the lead. The third pair were Belden of Amherst and Ide of Dartmouth. Ide caught his man during the first lap and finished ten feet ahead. In the last relay Dartmouth easily had the race but for the accident to Claggett, who lost his shoe on the - second lap, on account of which he was unable to hold his place, allowing Amherst to win by about four yards. Time 3 min. 27 3.5 sec.

OPEN 40 YARDS DASH.The open 40 yards dash, 9 feet limit, was very close and exciting. In the final heat were; W. F. Baker, '93; D. M. Casey, B. U. A. A., S. A. Coombs, B. A. A., M. Ladd, '94; H. Wheelwright, '94; and A. B. Straight of Brown University. Baker 93, won finishing a foot ahead of Straight, who was about the same distance ahead of Ladd '94. Time, 4 3-5 sec.

ONE MILE WALK.In the mile walk there were thirteen entries. Owing to the handicaps the men were evenly matched and for a considerable time it was very doubtful who the winner would be. S. H. Bunnell of Yale having a start of 35 sec. was the only man who had much of a chance against Houghton, A. C. A. A. who won by 20 yards; Beaudette, W. A. C., second; S. H. Bunnell, Y. A. C. third. Time 7 min. 31 3-5 seconds.

HARVARD-YALE TEAM RACE.The next event was the Harvard-Yale team race and the crowds had already begun to show their enthusiasm, for long before the previous event had been finished the cheering by both colleges had begun and people rose in their seats to catch a glimpse of the men as they sprinted for a few yards, in order to try the track,

The excitement was now intense and the enthusiasm knew no bounds as C. Brewer '96, and S. Scoville of Yale toed the mark, Scoville having the pole. Hardly had the pistol sounded when Brewer like a flash bounded ahead and at the end of the first lap had distanced his man by over 15 feet. In the second lap amid wild cheering Brewer kept leaving Scoville further and further behind until at the end of his last lap Harvard was over 20 yards in the lead. N. H. Bingham '93 and G. S. French, Yale, were the next pair. Bingham ran in magnificent form and easily got away from French, finishing out by about 45 yards. W. F. Garcelon 1 L. S. and R. C. Anderson were the third men to run. The two were evenly matched and Garcelon just held the lead he had started with. The last pair to run were S. M. Merrill '94, and T. M. Laughlin, starting amid a general cheer. Merrill had to begin with nearly fifty yards lead, which Laughlin, although he ran splendidly, was unable to lower to any purpose. Merrill ran fast for the first lap but then slowed down allowing Laughlin to gain. During the last lap Merrill about held his own, winning for Harvard by over 30 yards. Time 3 min. 22 3-5 sec.

600 - YARD RUN.The 600 - yards run 30 yards limit, was divided into heats, 12 men running in the first, 10 in the second, 11 in the third and 14 in the fourth. In the final heat were: W. A. Lohnes, W. A. C., A. M. Gallagher, W. A. C. W. E. Kent, 4 Sp. and W. W. Blakemore, L. S. The race was a fine one from start to finish, Lohnes passing the other in the second lap and winning by about 8 feet. Blakemore, second; Stetson '93, third. Time 1 m. 21 1-5 sec.
