

HARVARD GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal (men only who went on the Christmas Trip) Monday evening at 6.30 sharp.

STUDENTS of the University desiring appointments for individual lessons in Vocal Training, Vocal Expression and Speaking, for the second half-year, will please write to me, or call, at Holden Chapel, Tuesday, Feb. 14, 9 to 5, or Thursday, Feb. 15, 2 to 5.

The voluntary classes in these subjects meet Tuesdays at 10, 11, 2.30, and 4; and Thursdays at 2.30 and 3.30. New members will be received into several of the sections, and extra assistance will be given them upon the steps already mastered.




GYMNASIUM PHOTOGRAPHS. - The appointments made for photographing in the Carey Athletic Building to-day are postponed one week.

L. H. BETTS.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - The regular Sunday evening meeting will be held tomorrow at 6.45. All members of the University are invited.

MEN going into the religious services held at Columbia Theatre every Sunday, should take the South Boston car leaving Harvard Square at 6.14 p.m.
