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WE print, without comment at present on the great question of which this is but a part, the correspondence between the captains of the Yale and Harvard crews. By this it will be seen that Yale proposes that the members of the two crews of this year shall be confined to the undergraduate department, with the same additional specifications that characterize the new rule in its application to intercollegiate foot ball. The action taken in this matter by Harvard is certainly a just and reasonable one which will meet the approval and support of every Harvard man, and one which, without doubt, may be considered to be prophetic. Whatever action Harvard takes in this matter must certainly not be retroaction, and the letter to Yale is clearly consistent in its relation to the stand which Harvard has long since taken. Harvard is thoroughly in sympathy with the desire to purify athletics in every possible way, and to take any fair, sensible and prudent step to bring this about. The existing troubles can be remedied in a better mode than by applying this rule to every department of the University. Moreover, Harvard especially objects to agreeing to such a rule that shall apply to students now in college. This objection has been officially stated before; and until Harvard takes further steps in the entire matter, further comment is, perhaps, injudicious. The Athletic Committee at present has this subject under consideration and their decision will be made in a short time. One fact at least is self-evident: that all the athletic teams should and doubtless will consistently stand together in any action; so that it may safely be assumed that this action taken by the crew will be similar to that taken by the other athletic teams.
