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We reprint an editorial from the last Advocate which is, to say the least, unworthy the spirit of a Harvard paper.

"About the most wretched part of the whole Springfield fiasco were those songs the CRIMSON sprung upon us. It was bad enough to lose the game without the unnecessary torture of reading such dreary twaddle. Apart from the fact that they were dull, tiresome, poorly printed, and spelled in the altogether original way the CRIMSON at times affects, they were an insult to the entire college. Not even the CRIMSON has the right to put forth such stuff in the name of this college. The spirit that animated the paper was undoubtedly of the best, but these songs were unmistakably a case of mistaken zeal."

The Advocate has a perfect right to criticize, but only when it is acquainted with facts. Since it has not taken the pains to learn the facts in regard to this matter, the CRIMSON itself may be allowed to state them.

The songs were brought to the CRIMSON by some of the best-known and influential men in the student body,- one of them an ex-captain of a 'varsity team. They had been written in the attempt to supply a need at the Yale game which has long been noticed and regretted by Harvard men. No CRIMSON editor had anything to do with the composition or printing of these songs; the paper simply extended its services by publishing in advance a portion of the songs, and having the completed list distributed with the CRIMSONS issued on the morning of November 25.

It was a time when loyal Harvard men united to do what they could to bring the game to a successful issue. The CRIMSON believed that appropriate songs would be useful to that purpose. We take exception to the Advocate editorial because, in the first place, we believe that any matter of such a nature deserves to be understood before it is criticised; and, in the second place, because we believe that the interests of Harvard will not be benefitted by heaping abuse on those men who make an honest effort to further those interests. The CRIMSON sees nothing to regret in its action. Next year we shall be willing to publish and to aid in distributing the best songs that are provided. We entertain the hope that the men who feel that the songs were poor this year, will see to it that they are better in the coming year.

