
Strength Tests of Graduates.

Some changes have been made this year in the method of computing the total strength of men who take Dr. Sargent's test. The tests of both forearms are now added instead of taking the average, as has up to this time been the custom. This necessitates the changing of the records of all strong men whose names have appeared in the Index. The names of such graduates as have a record of 900 or over are published below. There are about 75 other graduates whose records are better than the lowest test published in this year's Index:

1. S. S. Foster '85, 1348.8

2. R. W. Boyden '85, 1234.9

3. H. B. Gibson '88, 1204.7

4. R. S. Gorham '85, 1470.8


5. J. R. Finlay '91, 1159.6

6. G. S. Curtis '92, 1152.2

7. C. P. Curtis '83, 1151.6

8. H. O. Stickney, L. S., 1145.9

9. R. Macallister '93, 1137.

10. A. Keith '85, 1112.4

11. G. L. Hunter '89, 1106.8

12. J. W. Ganson '92, 1102.1

13. N. D. Alexander, L. S., 1095.

14. J. C. Bachelder '83, 1083.2
