There are now about twenty men in training for the freshman crew. The football men have not yet begun work and will not begin till after Christmas. The candidtes are divided into two squads which work every day on the rowing machines with Vail and Bond as coaches, then go through dumbbell work and take a run. The material is fair, but as yet there is no promise of a good crew. The men who are trying do not take enough interest in their work. They row on the machines day after day without making any progress or getting over any of their faults. Hardly any of them seem really to try to find out what their weak points are and then to improve themselves. They do not seem to be able to take in what the coach tells them. They are still at work trying to get hold of the rudiments of body work and learning to hold the oars. Almost every one is loose and unsteady. Every one of the men has several individual faults but they are hardly far enough along to criticise them yet. The worst thing of all about the men is that many of them want to shirk everything they can. Some of them are very irregular in coming out and cannot be depended on at all. On a run a few days ago five of the men tried to drop out. With such a spirit as this the freshmen cannot hope to have a strong crew. What is needed is enthusiasm and real interest, and if the men who are now working will not brace up the crew must look for all its strength to the football men. The men that are now working are given below:
Phelps, 164.
Rantoul, 148.
Boal, 157.
Little, 142.
Lee, 148.
Endicott, 155.
Elder, 170.
Reed, 152.
Gray, 130.
Skerrye, 165.
Davenport, 189.
Hunt, 153.
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An Open Letter from Professor Agassiz.