
Strength Test of Men in College.

Following are the strength records of the 42 men now in college whose records will be published in the Index this year. If any men wish to have these figures changed before the Index appears, they should see Mr. Betts at once.

1. E. Klein '95, 1445.6

2. E. Cockrell '95, 1080.6

3. J. P. Whittren, L. S. S., 982.6

4. C. B. Gleason '94, 980.5


5. J. F. Vaughn, L. S. S., 971.5

6. G. C. Kellogg '94, 963.

7. A. M. Crane '94, 947.6

8. C. J. Paine '97, 946.

9. F. W. White, M. S., 935.5

10. E. B. Lambert '95, 913.

11. G. A. Kaven '95, 912.2

12. D. C. Greene '95, 904.8

13. H. A. Gehring '95, 903.3

14. R. B. Cook '95, 899.9
