
Fact and Rumor

Eight members of last year's nine have returned to Brown.

Ward, of the New York league team, will coach the Columbia nine.

After the Christmas recess, Professor Hill will lecture in English A.

Dr. George A. Gordon '82, is preacher at Dartmouth College for the current year.

The last issue of Harper's Weekly contains an article by Professor Shaler on John Tyndall.


The senior class at Princeton intend to publish a class book similar to those of Harvard and Yale.

George R. Widdicomb has been elected manager of the Andover football team for next year.

The Boston Interscholastlc Ice Polo League has been admitted to the New England Skating Association.

J. W. Riddle '87, has been appointed secretary of the United States legation at Constantinople.

Early in January Paul Du Chaillu, the explorer, is to deliver a lecture on "The Land of the Midnight Sun" at Sanders Theatre.

W. A. Clark '93, who is one of the resident members of the Andover House, has recently compiled elaborate statistics showing the number of unemployed now is Boston.

A representative of the Oxford boat club is at present in this country for the purpose of arranging a match between the Oxford crew and the winner of the next Yale-Harvard race.

The two prizes offered last year by the Yale Glee Club management for the best words and the best music of a song have been awarded to A. C. N. Fowler '94, and J. C. Minor '94 S., respectively. The prizes amount to $15 each.

Allen Hollis, who for the past two years has been studying in the Law School, is now practicing law at Concord, N. H. He was admitted to the bar last summer and is now the youngest practicing lawyer in the state.
