
Address by Russell Sturgis.

Mr. Russell Sturgis, the chairman of the state committee of the Y. M. C. A., gave the address in Holden Chapel last evening. He spoke in a practical way of the work the Harvard Y. M. C. A. is accomplishing, and of what the state committee proposes to do through the associations in the various colleges. He said that forty years ago whatever men there were in Harvard interested in organized Christian work had very little influence, and that there were not in the state ten organizations formed for that purpose. Now every college in the country has its Y. M. C. A., and in the various states these associations are bound together. The state committee in Massachusetts realize that the college branch of their work is one of the most important, and wish to put one man in charge who can devote his entire attention to it.

They feel that it would be advatageous to have the associations in all the colleges cooperate to some extent. They

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