
Fact and Rumor.

Christmas recess at Yale begins on December 22, and ends on January 9.

Mr. Parker's section of Latin D will have an hour examination next Tuesday.

The special legislative report in History 13 will be due Friday, December 15th.

Charles E. Durand '95 has been elected captain of the Amherst team for next year.

The semi-annual examinations at Yale will be held from December 13 to December 21.


Knipe has been elected captain for next year of the University of Pennsylvania football eleven.

Henry L. Higginson has been chosen to succeed the late Frederick L. Ames on the board of directors.

Two thousand, five hundred and thirteen are registered at the University of Michigan.

Preliminary and entrance examinations for Dartmouth will hereafter be held in different preparatory schools.

At a recent meeting of the Intercollegiate Football League it was voted to debar Medical students from playing.

M. Bourget is in the prime of life, and never before yesterday did he address what might be called a public audience.
