Brown has an enrollment of 667 students and a faculty of 65.
A glee club has been organized by the Yale graduate departments.
The Yale Gymnastic Association has a membership of 101 students.
The CRIMSON had a wire direct from the stand to Manhattan Field.
Five of Pennsylvania's team are registered in the professional schools.
Pennsylvania has received 10 awards for its exhibits at the World's Fair.
The receipts of the Princeton Baseball Association last year amounted to over $11,000.
The seating capacity at yesterday's game was 17,452. There were 152 policemen, 47 ticket takers by 54 ushers.
It is said that the United States is the only country in the world that spends more money for education than for war, or preparations for war.
The American Republican College League, recently organized at the University of Michigan, comprises 72 colleges and has 10,000 members.
The Stinnecke scholarship, which is awarded for excellence in Latin and Greek, and amounts to $1,500 annually, is the largest given by any American college.
In the Harvard-Yale freshman series Harvard has won eight games, Yale five, and three have been drawn.
Pennsylvania's line weighs 1305 pounds. The three centre men alone weigh 607. The average weight of the Pennsylvania eleven is 179 pounds, against an average of 180 for the Harvard team.
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