Now that our fall games are over, it will be of interest to compare the records made, with those made in the fall games of the Yale Athletic Association.
In such a comparison, however, it must be understood that the Yale games were held under favorable conditions of weather. Here the reverse was the case. Also, the list of entries for the Yale games, as with us, was unusually large. Only the records and handicaps are given, in such events as may be compared.
100 yards dash.
Harvard, 8 yds.; 10 2-5 sec.
Yale, 5 yds.; 10 2-5 sec.
220 yards dash.
Harvard, 6 yds.; 23 2-5 sec.
Yale, 6 yds.; 23 3-5 sec.
440 yards run.
Harvard, 40 yds.; 50 4-5 sec.
Yale, 8 yds.; 52 2-5 sec.
Half mile run.
Harvard, scratch; 1 min., 58 4-5 sec.
Yale, 8 yds.; 2 min., 2 4-5 sec.
One mile run.
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