We remind the students of the lecture on the "Parliament of Religions" to be given tonight in Sever 11 by Prince Serge Wolkonsky. The topic of the lecture is of itself very interesting and the manner and character of the man who will speak will lend a double charm to the whole thing. With the exception of Mr. Copeland's lecture this will be the first of the year of interest to the whole student body. Last year at this time at least two courses of lectures were being given which were of very great value as adjuncts to the regular college work. These courses have always been greatly appreciated by the students and they will be greatly missed if they are not continued this year. In all the list of outside attractions which the University furnishes, none is looked on with more favor than a series of good lectures. Doubtless the University has in store for us a number of such series, and the students will look for them with great interest.
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