DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class, Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Odd Fellows' Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons. 1y
TO RENT.- Furnished suites or single rooms at 771 Main street. 29 6t
ALL clubs that wish to be in the Index this year are requested to send a list of their members to W. F. Garcelon, 381 Harvard street.
C. H. Beckwith. W. F. Garcelon.29 tf
TUTORING in Mathematics.
A. L. GIBLIN, C. E.Instructor in L. S. S., 18 Allen St., off North Ave. 33 3t
POSTAGE stamp collections bought by R. S. Coon, 18 Allen St., off North Ave.
33 3t
WELL CONSIDERED.- Your legs may be as staunch as a Roman soldier's, but nevertheless you cannot bang your knees against a table leg without feeling the pain for a week. The best plan is to mix a little brains with your intention to purchase, and select one of those knee protecting tables sold only at Paine's, 48 Canal street, Boston. 35
LOST, about October 23, a heavy black overcoat, marked Macullar and Parker. Gray lining and velvet collar. Please return to CRIMSON office. 35 tf
TUTORING.- Greek, Latin, French. Address, J, office of this paper.
$1.00 each will be paid for the use of two football season tickets in buying seats for the Springfield game. Apply, 18 W. Hastings.
STUDENTS OF ECONOMICS ATTENTION.- Louis F. Post, of New York, will lecture on "The Single Tax, or Land Value the True Basis of Public Revenue," at the Union Hall, 48 Boylston street, Boston, Thursday, November 9, 1893, at 8 o'clock p. m. Discussion to follow lecture. Admission 25 cents, reserved seats 50 cents. For sale at Thurston's.
HARVARD students formerly of U. of P., can subscribe to the University Courier at 28 College House. 35 3t
$1.00 each will be paid for the use of eight football season tickets in buying seats for the Springfield game. L. I. Prouty, 9 Matthews. 34 2t
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