
Ninety-Seven, 30; W. A., O.

The freshmen easily defeated the Worcester Academy eleven yesterday afternoon on Jarvis Field. The game was utterly devoid of interest, the only noticeable feature being the extreme weakness of the visitors, and to this may be credited, to a considerable degree, the apparent good work of the freshmen. The latter, however, showed some improvement both in forming and following their interference, and did not fumble as much as usual. There was not a single redeeming feature in the play of the Worcester Academy eleven. Their line was lamentably weak and offered very little resistance to the freshmen, while the backs very seldom made a gain. They had recourse to the flying wedge several times, but generally failed to make any material gain. Barton did excellent work for the freshmen, breaking through and tackling repeatedly. All the backs played a strong game, Pillsbury in particular. Dean captained the freshmen. The following men played:

'97. W. A.

Barton, left end, Clark.

Watson, left tackle, Dewsnap.

Shaw, left guard, Chesboro.


O'Connor, centre, Hamley.

Williams, right guard, Sargent.

Scannell, right tackle, Bartlett.

Wadsworth, right end, Farr.

Dean, quarterback, Parker.

Pillsbury, halfback, Gaskell. Chase. Curtis.

Weld, halfback, Gaskell. Chase. Curtis.

Hewes, fullback, Edmands.

Touchdowns, Pillsbury 4, Weld. Referee, Malone. Umpire, Sherwin. Time, 45 minutes.
