The last regular practice of the 'varsity eleven before the game with Yale was held yesterday afternoon. It lasted for thirty minutes only, but during that time was sharp and satisfactory. Beale played quarterback on the first and it is now understood on good authority that he will play in the Yale game. He has made wonderful improvement during the two weeks of secret practice, and is now looked upon as the most fortunate "find" of the year. He is quick and spirited in his work and inspires the team with confidence. Fairchild has made considerable progress also, and will be first substitute, with Borden '96 second.
The substitute halfbacks have not been decided upon in the order of preference, but Winslow, L. S., will be substitute centre; Wilson '94, Laimbeer '97 and Parker, L. S. S., substitute guard in the order named; Gould '96, substitute right tackle, Connor '97, substitute left tackle; and Beall, M. S., third man for either place. For right end A. Brewer is first substitute, for left end either Stevenson or Blanchard, depending on which of the two plays regularly, and Collamore, Gr., third man for either position.
The backs and ends have been improving steadily in punting and catching under the coaching of Trafford '93 and Willard '89, and the eleven is now pretty well prepared to meet any kind of a kicking game which Yale may see fit to try.
The work today will be very light, probably nothing more than a continuance of the practice of punting and catching and a long run.
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