Applications for seats at the game with Pennsylvania next Thursday must be in before six o'clock today. The usual rules apply to these applications. The tickets will be assigned by lot and will be sent out not before November 26.
The public sale will be held Monday, November 27, at Holmes Field. The sale for season ticket holders will be held at Leavitt and Peirce's from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. on Monday.
Seats in the end sections for the Yale game are having a lively sale. Many people who had anticipated sitting in the side sections find they must content themselves with dollar seats.
Excursion tickets over the B. and A. road are on sale at Leavitt and Peirce's. They can be obtained there now without the inconvenience which will be sure to attend purchases in Boston on the morning of the game. All the tickets for the special train which leaves from Front street, Cambridge, have been sold and premiums are now offered for them.
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