Forty-five hounds started on the third hare and hounds run yesterday afternoon. The trail was a little longer than before, being between nine and ten miles. It was laid through Central Square, Allston Bridge, Beacon Park, Coolidge Corner, Beacon Street, Corey Hill, Commonwealth Avenue, and Brighton to Barry's Corner, where the break took place.
The hares, Coolidge and Blakemore, arrived at the starting place in an hour and ten minutes. Nine minutes later the first hound came in, beating the hares by three minutes. The first six hounds to finish were J. Boardman '94, G. L. Paine '96, H. Emerson '96, F. C. Hinckley '95, A. A. Marsters '94, and C. A. Blake '93. Nearly all the hounds came in inside of the twelve minutes.
Boardman, Paine and Emerson will receive cups and the first two will be hares tomorrow.
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