
Boston A. A. vs. Chicago A. A.

A football game has been arranged between the Boston Athletic Association and the Chicago Athletic Association, to be played in Boston on Thanksgiving Day. The makeup of the B. A. A. team will probably be as follows: Whittren, left end; Tukey, left tackle; Whitman, left guard; Hastings, centre; Fay, right guard; Waters, captain and right tackle; Wardner, right end; Belfield, quarter; Peters, left half; Anthony, right half; McNear, fullback. The substitutes will be Hilton, Garcelon, Batchelder, Howard, Wood, Burns and Ware. The Chicago team will be picked from the following men: Thompson and Donnelly, left end; Rafferty and Seixas, left tackle; Thomas, left guard; Stevenson, centre; Nott Flint, right guard; Joe Flint, right tackle; Culver, right end; Wood or Smith, quarterback; Alward, right half; Stickney, left half; Noyes or Hart, fullback.
