The freshmen were defeated, six to nothing, yesterday afternoon by an eleven composed mainly of men who have played on class teams. This team, although strong in individual players, made no pretence of team play, but in this respect they were not much inferior to the freshmen. The work of the freshmen during the entire season has been spasmodic and, at present, is very discouraging. This is especially so when the time allowed to perfect their play is compared with the time already spent and the results which have been attained. The faults which oharacterized the work at the beginning of the season both in respect to individual and team play, are apparent at present, and very little advancement has been made. The men themselves are responsible for their individual weaknesses since ample opportunity has been offered to remedy them, while the utter lack of unity in the team is due, to a certain extent, to the constant changing in the makeup of the eleven. The tackling is the most noticeable weakness and affects the playing of almost every man on the team. The halfbacks have not overcome the habits of dropping the ball and
(Continued on third page.)
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