MEN'S Ulsters from the best English materials, made up warm for winter use at $30 and $32. U. P. Hollander and Co., 202 Boylston street, Park Sq.
DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class, Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Odd Fellows' Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons. 1y
TUTOR and coach; eight years experience. Address Wm. E. Chancellor, A. B., Austin Hall. 43-6t
LOST.- A light brown fall overcoat, made by Hollander and Co. Missing over three weeks. Finder please notify 21 Hastings and receive $5 reward.
$6.00 paid at Leavitt and Peirce's for two football season tickets that can be used to get seats for the Yale game. Apply early this morning.
SILVER REPAL HAS PASSED.- The anxiously awaited action on the Silver Bill has resulted in its unconditional repeal. Now that great question is settled, it is time to get those photograps taken at Pach's which you have been putting off. Don't delay until the holiday rush comes and then expect to get your work done at short notice. Now is just the time. 46 6t
FOOTBALL.- Harvard vs. Yale, at Springfield, Saturday, November 25, 1893. Special trains via the Boston and Albany R. R., will leave Kneeland street station, at 6.50 a. m., 8.00 a. m., and 8.35 a. m., returning immediately after the game. Excursion tickets, good only on special trains, $2.50 each. Tickets on sale at city ticket office, 232 Washington street, Boston, up to 6.00 p. m., November 24, and at Kneeland street station ticket office until departure of last special train November 25.
A table d'hote dinner will be served at dining room in Springfield station between 10.00 a. m. and 2.00 p. m., at rate of 75 cents.
A. S. HANSON, G. P. A.
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