
Special Notice.

HARVARD INDEX.- All club lists must be sent to W. F. Garcelon, 381 Harvard street by Saturday.

C. H. Beckwith. W. F. Garcelon.29 tf

LOST, about October 23, a heavy black overcoat, marked Macullar and Parker. Gray lining and velvet collar. Please return to CRIMSON office. 35 tf

DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class, Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Odd Fellows' Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons. 1y

FELLOWS-Don't forget that Christmas is approaching and that your young lady friends to whom you have promised your pictures, should not be disappointed, so come down to Pach's Studio before the rush begins. 39 6t


ENGLISH C.- First forensic due Nov. 21 will be more acceptable if neatly copied on typewriter. It can be done cheaply. Mss. called for and delivered promptly. Address R. H. Kennedy, Linden, Mass. 2t

PEABODY CLUB.- 126 Mt. Auburn St. Another club table can be accommodated. Board $7 a week. Also seats at a general table. Board $6 a week. 36-10t

TUTOR and coach; eight years experience. Address Wm. E. Chancellor, A. B., Austin Hall. 43-6t

All are invited to 19 Brattle street, where continuous quotations of stocks are posted from 10 a. m. till 3 p. m. Wm. F. Davis, the experienced broker, has well fitted quarters there.
