
Football Practice.

The 'varsity practiced as usual yesterday on Soldiers Field. Shortly after three the first eleven went down. They spent nearly an hour in going through the signals, after which the second eleven were admitted to the field. Until dark they went through some severe work.

Play was marked by more snap than the eleven has shown of late, due to the fact that all had had two days of rest. Still it was, as one of the coaches said, painfully slow. Waters went through the signals but did not play. Dunlop took his place on the first.

Arthur Beale was played at quarterback on the first, Fairchild being transferred to the second. The change was beneficial for both. Fairchild showed more snap than he has for several days. Beale's work was very good indeed considering the short time he has played the position.

Brewer did not play quite so well as usual at fullback. Dunlop bucked the centre for good gains, but was too slow. Wrightington played better than he has before. He is steadily improving.

On the second, Hayes, who did such good work for '96, made the most gains. Gonterman rushed well, but was better in tackling. He made one unusually fine tackle of Wrightington. Nobody was injured in the day's practice.


There was a large number of coaches. It is expected that there will be plenty on hand during the remaining seven or eight days of sever practice.

Jarvis Field is undergoing another transformation. The new stands on the south side are being extended at each end, the old stands on the north have been removed to make room for new and larger ones, while both the east and west ends will have stands of similar size. The field will look for all the world like the field at Springfield.

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