
Football Practice.

The 'varsity had a long practice on Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon. For over an hour the men were lined up and put through the different plays, at the end of which they were given a short rest. About half past four the second eleven appeared and a regular half was played until it grew dark. The 'varsity were none too fresh to meet the second eleven and the practice lacked the snap which has been fairly prominent in other days. Hallowell was out coaching. Sears is expected some day next week and it is possible that Cranston and Perry Trafford may find the time to coach for a day or two. Captain Waters has been obliged to have his knee put in splints, not, however, because his injury was growing worse, but because it is hoped by this method to hasten his recovery. He hopes to be out on Monday. Emmons is temporarily laid off on account of injuries.

Today the eleven will practice as usual, probably on Soldiers Field. They will take the eleven o'clock express to New York, returning at the same time Saturday. Naturally the object of the trip is to see the Yale-University of Pennsylvania game. At the same time it is reasonable to suppose that the rest and change will be of benefit.

The elevens yesterday lined up as follows:


Stevenson, left end, Collamore.


Manahan, left tackle, Connor.

Acton, left guard, Wilson.

Lewis, centre, Winslow.

Mackie, right guard, Laimbeer.

Newell, right tackle, Gould.

Blanchard, right end, Brewer.

Fairchild, quarterback, Beale.

Wrightington, halfback, Gleason. Lovering.

(Clarke,) halfback, Gleason. Lovering.

Dunlop, halfback, Gleason. Lovering.

Brewer, fullback, Hoag.
