

FOLLOWING men be at 13 Bow street at 11.15 sharp to go to Andover: Mackie, Emmons, Manahan, Acton, Lewis, Wilson, Connor, Blanchard, Gould, Clark, Gonterman, Brewer, Fairchild, A. Brewer, Winslow, Parker, Newell. Stevenson, Wrightington, Dunlop, Gray, Laimbeer, H. W. Beal, Hoag, Corbett, A. M. Beal, A. Borden.

B. G. WATERS.NEW HARVARD UNION.- A trial of candidates for membership will be held on Friday evening, Nov. 3, in Sever 11, at 7.30, open to all members of the University. Debate will be limited to five minutes for each speaker on the following question: "Resolved, that U. S. Senators should be elected by a direct vote of the people."

SUMNER H. FOSTER, Secretary.30 3t

'96 CREW.- Members of last year's freshman crew please meet in Claverly 37 Thursday evening at 7 to elect a captain.

R. M. TOWNSEND.'95 FOOTBALL.- The following men will be dressed to play at 3.40 sharp: Grant, Cockrell, Livingood, Hartwell, Walker, P. Whittemore, Teele, Cook, Hitch, Mills, Floyd, Miller, Knapp, J. K. Whittemore, Tiffany, Forbes, Peabody and Pierce. Every man must be on time.


G. MURCHIE.'96 ELEVEN.- All men be on Norton's at 3.30 sharp, in citizen's clothes.

A. BORDEN.THE Shakspere Club will meet Wednesday, November 1, at 62 College House.

TREADWELL CLEVELAND, JR., Sec.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 8 sharp.

C. MORGAN, Sec.CRIMSON BOARD.- Meeting tonight at 6.45. Every editor will please be prompt.
