
Class Game.

Ninety-Six, 10; Ninety-Seven, 0.

Ninety-six won the first game of the class series yesterday afternoon by defeating the freshmen by a score of ten to nothing. The freshmen deserve considerable praise for holding the sophomores down to so small a score and for playing the game they did, considering that the freshmen classes are not as a rule supposed to put very strong elevens in the field. Once it looked very much as if ninety-seven would score, as they rushed the ball down the field to within five yards of the sophomores' goal, when the ball was taken away from them for off side play. The men on both teams worked with a will and there was little rough playing. Several times the freshmen made some good plays and showed plainly they only lacked experience to put up the winning game.

For the ninety-six eleven the best playing was done by Borden. The defensive play was weak, but the offensive play was good and decidedly so when the ends were brought back to interfere in running. This play was very successful and the eleven gained considerable by its use. Hayes and Hamlen also did good work back of the line for ninety-six.

For the freshmen, Irving did the best work. His tackling was good and he showed considerable knowledge and experience. All the men seemed to know how to interfere, but did not play together. The defence was very weak. The best work in the line was done by Watson and Barton, while Dean played well at quarter.

The freshmen had the ball first, but quickly lost it, when the sophomores worked it down within one yard of the goal. Here they dropped it. Ninety-seven then kicked, after which ninety-six worked the ball down the field again and Hayes made a touchdown. Hamlen kicked the goal.

The freshmen again started with the ball and began to brace up somewhat, finally taking the ball within fifteen yards of the ninety-six goal. Here they dropped the ball and soon after time was called.


In the second half ninety-six started in rushing the ball down the field until a touchdown was made, Hamlen failing to kick a goal. Score, 10-0. The freshmen here took a brace and by good rushes got the ball on the five yard line. Then holding and fumbling began on both sides, and ninety-six got the ball and worked it well away from their goal, when time was called.

The elevens lined up in the following order:

'96. '97.

Dibblee, left end, Barton.

Stevenson, left tackle, Watson.

Paine, left guard, Smith.

Fox, centre, O'Connor.

Faxon, centre, O'Connor.

Hallowell, right guard, Williams.

Lewis, right tackle, Scannell.
