At a meeting last night of the Catholic Club of Harvard University the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year:
President, T. A. Mullen, L. S.; vice-president, H. C. Fox '94; secretary, J. E. Mulloy '95; treasurer, George Crompton '95. A governing board of thirteen was chosen, six from the professional and graduate schools, and seven from the undergraduates. The men chosen are: T. A. Mullen, L. S., T. H. O'Conner, L. S., T. L. Stanton, M. S., Geo. McKelleget, L. S., W. H. Shea, L. S., James Hickey, L. S., J. M. Minton '94, James McDonald '94, J. F. McGrath '95, T. B. Hughes '95, E. M. Hurley '97, T. J. Manahan '96, D. J. J. Shea '97.
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