
English VI.

Debate of October 12, 1893.Question: Resolved, That Gov. Altgelt was justified in pardoning the Anarchists.

Brief for the Affirmative.J. J. SHEPPARD and H. C. LAKIN.

Best general references: Governor's Message, Chicago Inter Ocean, June 27, 1893; Arena, October, 1893; W. M. Salter, What Shall We Do with the Anarchists (pamphlet).

I. The trial was unfair.- (a) Great excitement at the time, Open Court, August 10, 1893. (b) Talesmen unfairly selected. (c) Incompetency of jurors. (d) Prejudice of the judge. (e) Police conduct of case outrageous.

II. The pardoned men were not proved guilty of the crime charged. (a) None were principals. (b) None were accessories. (c) None of them implicated in Monday night conspiracy. (d) Weakness of case against them shown by subsequent action of State legislature. (e) Admissions of Judge and State Attorney. (f) They were convicted of Anarchy, of which they were not charged. Salter, p. 15.


Brief for the Negative.H. L. PRESCOTT and E. B. BISHOP.

Best general references: Century, April, 1893. 12 North Eastern Reporter 865. 123 U. S. Reports 131. Chicago Inter Ocean, June 27 to July 10, 1893.

I. A statement of the case shows that:-

(a) The convicted anarchists had sought to arouse workingmen to deeds of violence. (1) Constantly prior to May 4, 1886, by inflammatory articles in the Arbeiter and the Alarm, and in speeches urging the annihilation of opposition to their demands by violence and dynamite. (2) On May 4, 1886, by inflammatory speeches and placards. (b) Because of the above advice the prisoners were convicted of Degaus murder. Altgelt's letter, Chicago Inter Ocean, June 27, 1893. (c) The verdict was sustained by Supreme Courts of Illinois and the United States: 12 N. E. Reporter 865. 123 U. S. 131: (d) Oglesby when petitioned for a pardon declared the men guilty and the trial fair: Inter Ocean, June 27 and July 7, 1893: (2) Altgelt now reverses the decisions and pardon the three remaining anarchists.

II. The jury was not packed: (a) A large panel and much time were consumed: (b) The method of securing the jury was common and perfectly legal: (c) So held by the Supreme Courts of Illinois and the United States, and approved by Gov. Oglesby.

III. The throwing of the bomb was due to the utterances of the prisoners: (a) For it accorded with advice in the speeches, editorials, and placards previous to and on May 4, 1886: (b) So held by the courts and the executive.
