
Fact and Rumor.

There are 541 men in English A.

There are 1800 students in Columbia.

Bliss, Yale '93, is coaching the West Point eleven.

Haskell of Yale is coaching the Tufts football team.

The injury to A. H. Brewer yesterday was not serious.


Columbia granted free tuition to 105 students last year.

The entering class of the Medical School numbers about 100.

The outline map in History I is due next Wednesday, Oct. 11.

Fifteen Yale graduates are coaching college elevens this fall.

Case, Yale '94, has been elected captain of the nine for next year.

The Yale Athletic Association will hold their annual fall games on Oct. 21.

Nelson Poe has been elected captain of the freshman eleven at Princeton.

A triple league has been formed between Lafayette, Stevens and Rutgers.

Forty-seven new men entered the Lakeville preparatory school this fall.

The football candidates commenced practice on the tackling machine yesterday.
