The Foxcroft Club has entered upon what promises to be the most successful year of its existence, since already more than 225 men have registered as members, while in addition there are many applications on the waiting list.
This club was orginally organized for the purpose of satisfying the needs of students who did not live in the city, and from this small beginning it has gradually developed until it has now become a positive necessity to a large portion of the University students. Not only does it enable students of limited means to live more cheaply and better than they could otherwise, but it also offers an opportunity for work to those who desire it. The table service is performed by students whose hours of labor are determined by the governing board of the club. It is the purpose of this committee to divide the work in such a manner that those students who have been longest in the employ of the club shall receive the greatest benefit. The waiters are paid by the hour, and their weekly compensation varies according to their working hours.
The European system is used and although it is the desire of the management to establish an American plan to work in connection with that already formed, still it is doubtful if they will be able to accomplish this task.
The chief obstacle which the officers of the club are compelled to contend against is that their present quarters are not commodious enough. Not only is the club cramped for room, but even the plan of the building does not offer facilities suitable for conducting such a large business. That there is a demand for such a club in the University is shown by the large number of resident as well as transient students who avail themselves of its advantages.
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