
Special Notice.

HARVARD gentlemen desiring instruction in fashionable dancing would do well to attend Mr. and Mrs. Black's young people's class at Cotillion Hall, Huntington avenue. Private lessons and circulars. Address, 204 Dartmouth street, Boston. 6 6t

FOR SALE.- A strong, active saddle pony. A fair driver. Good appearing, free from tricks and sound. Also meadow-brook cart and harness. Address, X, Box 2007, Boston. 7 2t

SEATS at a general table at Peabody Club. Board $6 a week. Also a club table for eight. Formerly a Mrs. Morgan. 126 Mt. Auburn street. 5 8t

TO LET.- A desirable suite of 2 rooms for college year. Rent, including service, $125.00. Apply to S. R. Hollander, 25 Holyoke street.

LOST.- A fountain pen in Upper Mass. at time of general registration, Sept. 28. Please return to C. G. Hoag, 25 Stoughton.


TO LET.- Dormitory suite in Shepard Block. Sunny exposure. One minute to yard. Private bath. Electric light. Steam heat, rent very low. Apply to Janitor, 31 Holyoke street.

WANTED.- A roommate in one of the best rooms in the yard. Address X, care CRIMSON.

Two beautifully furnished suites of rooms to let at very low prices at 20 Holyoke street, within one minute's walk of University Building. Call at once and secure first choice.

LOST.- A black pocketbook containing football season ticket and co-operative ticket No. 601. Finder please return to E. A. Knudsen, 15 Holyoke House.
