The 'varsity scored 54 points against Exeter yesterday in half an hour. Last year's score was 62, but play lasted longer. Exeter did not come up to expectations. They were much poorer than last year. They seemed to be afraid, Graham alone tackling with any courage. He played the best game for his eleven. The Exeter backs were unable to make any headway against the 'varsity line, and generally lost the ball within ten yards of the centre of the field.
Much of this weakness can doubtless be attributed to the absence of Captain Twombly, who was injured early in the week.
The 'varsity did not lose the ball once on four downs, and rarely failed to make 25 or 30 yards at a time. This Waters and Corbett did repeatedly.
Again, the blocking was excellent, and the backs with the ball kept well behind the interference. A little more care behind the runner is necessary, as nearly all the tackling was done from the rear.
The line as a whole played good football. In offensive work they are all right, but the defense will bear improvement.
The story of the first play will do for the whole game. Harvard had the ball. They made seven yards on the V and carried the ball across the line in two rushes, one by Waters, the other by Brewer.
The first half was twenty minutes and Harvard made 38. In the second half, ten minutes, three touchdowns were scored, from two of which goals were kicked.
Gray did not go to Exeter at all. His ankle was badly wrenched on Tuesday, and he will be obliged to go about on crutches for a few days.
The makeup was as follows:
Emmons, left end, Abercrombie.
Beal, left tackle, Scannell.
Whittren, left tackle, Scannell.
Warren, left guard, Squires.
Laimbeer, left guard, Squires.
Lewis, center, Kasan.
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