
Official Notice.

ENGLISH A.- Rewritten work. Tuesday, October 31, from 2.30 to 4.30, in Sever 2, Mr. Lamont will discuss the rewritten themes with the following members of English A: in Section I, Abbott to Hathaway; Section II, Allyn to Hubbard; Section III, Aldrich to Kinnicutt.

LATIN PLAY.- Antipho, Geta, Phaedria, Dorio, Chremes, Demipho; Tuesday, October 31.

T. B. GREENOUGH.CATALOGUE 1893-94.- Will students in the college please examine the printed Class Lists posted in the south entry of University Hall, and report errors or omissions to Mr. Williams, No. 2 University Hall.

PROFESSOR Morgan will not be able to keep his classes on Tuesday, October 31.
