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This afternoon the first of the series of class games will be played by the sophomores and freshmen on Jarvis Field. These games are always exciting, either from the clever work of the teams or from intense feeling on the part of the spectators. This enthusiasm has run riot at some of the games to the extent of filling up the playing space with a surging mass of class partisans. Obviously this sort of conduct, though it may be nothing but heedlessness, interferes with a just and fair settlement of class supremacy in football. If the spectators crowd upon the field they are sure, before the game is over, to spoil the play. At the class baseball games, where certainly the enthusiasm is just as great, classmen are generally content to stay outside the lines; the feeling should be the same during the football series. If arrangements have not already been made to keep the crowd back, the managers would do justice to the teams by appointing a number of men from each class to see that the field is kept clear.
