
No Headline

As everyone expected the majority of the freshman class showed by their presence at the reception last night that they appreciated a good opportunity. Of course a few men, in their reverence for the good old customs, had of necessity to make some incipient noises and to gather in groups, but their efforts seemed very like the last traces of a dying custom. The reception was everything that could be desired. The speaking was all of it earnest and forcible and the enthusiasm of the students showed that the words were having their effect. The meeting will doubtless do very much towards breaking up the system of cliques and combinations which tend so strongly to narrow our student life. But this meeting is not in itself enough. If college life is to broaden out into its best form, the college press and every influence which has any place here must excite itself to tighten the bond of real friendship, and to eliminate whatever of hypocrisy and insincerity may now remain among us. Things are started in the right direction and it only remains to keep them going so.
