
Additional Accommodations for Athletes.

Arrangements have been made by the governing board of University athletics, with the consent of the Faculty, whereby the Willard house, situated on Soldiers' Field, will be fitted for the further convenience of the University athletes. This house is very large and offers many facilities for the athletes who will shortly be compelled to practice on Soldiers' Field. In anticipation of the fact that tennis courts are to be constructed on Soldiers' Field, to replace those formerly on Jarvis, the rear rooms of the building will be furnished with lockers and certain rooms will be used as dressing rooms. Commodious apartments have been assigned for the exclusive use of the football men during their practice on Soldiers' Field, and in addition, a room supplied with the necessities for injured athletes has been decided upon as an office for Dr. Conant.

The building, unoccupied for nearly three years, has been thoroughly renovated and repaired and it is the purpose of the management to let rooms to desirable students of limited means. Two rooms on the first floor will be furnished, one as a lounging room and the other as a study.

The needs of the students will be looked after by Captain Robbins, who superintends the work on the athletic field.

The 'varsity men of the various teams are now well accommodated at 13 Bow street. The whole ground floor is given over to them. The two rooms on one side are used as club rooms where the men can assemble to pass time as they see fit. A third room is used as a dining room, which at present seats all the men now at the 'varsity eleven tables. The fourth room is now unoccupied, and in case of need all the 'varsity teams can be boarded at the same time. Upstairs are a couple of club tables, which pay almost entirely the expense of the house. By this means the place is always kept running. One object of the plan is that the house shall become a headquarters, where any old 'varsity man may go for a meal or to spend any time he may find on his hands while in Cambridge. It is hoped by Mr. Herbert White, to whom the credit of this arrangement is due, that these quarters may be permanent till such time as athletics shall move bodily to Soldiers' Field.
