
Class Football.

Ninety-Four, 8; Ninety-Six, 4.

The practice game between ninety-four and ninety-six yesterday afternoon was a poor exhibition. Both elevens played miserably, especially '94. The work was far weaker than in the B. A. A, game. Almost every long run of the backs was due rather to a misplay of the opponents than to their own skill. The three touchdowns were the direct result of poor tackling. The weakness of '94's centre was caused by the absence of Lee. Richardson, the substitute, was unable to hold Fox, and this, to a great extent, accounts for the fumbles of Cabot at quarter. Beals, Bond, and Garrison played well for '94. The line work of '96 was superior to that of the seniors, and the weakness back of the line was due to the substitutes, who were unfamiliar with the signals. Borden and Hamlin played well for '96.

The teams lined up as follows:

'94. '96.

Wrenn, right end, Duff.

Short, right end, Duff.


Beals, right tackle, Lewis.

McDonald, right tackle, Lewis.

Cary, right guard, Hallowell.

Williams, right guard, Hallowell.

Richardson, centre, Fox.

Saltonstall, left guard, Paine.

Bond, left tackle, Stevenson.

Harding, left end, Norton.

Cabot, quarterback, A. Borden.

Borden, halfback, Harrison.

Harrison, halfback, Ingalls.

Garrison, fullback, Hamlin.

Touchdowns, Garrison 2, Hamlin. Time, 40 minutes.
